Sunday, December 03, 2017

Fruitless Forum

I have never found fora such as stackexchange or stackoverflow or any other forum used for peer-to-peer coding help useful. This is how the general conversation goes:

Question Asker: *Question*

Respondent 1: "This is not the correct way to ask a question, please refer to the guidelines."

Question Asker: *Asks question in the correct way*

Respondent 2:  "This question has already been answered. Please do your search properly before wasting everyone's time."

Question Asker: *Becomes more specific to differentiate from the previous question asked*

Respondent 3: "This question seems to be too specific to your field. Give more explanation about your problem or give us a more generalized version."

Question Asker: *Explains it more thoroughly*

Respondent 4: *Gives a totally irrelevant answer and his/her response is liked by respondents 1, 2, and 3.*